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Rejuvinate Your Skin – It’s Important to Stop Aging!

Rejuvinate Your Skin – It’s Important to Stop Aging!
in Dermatology

Apr 19, 2022

If you haven’t been protecting your skin, it can start to give away clues about your age. Fine lines and wrinkles begin to appear, along with brown spots and rough skin patches caused by sun exposure. Your skin might have dead skin cells making it look dull and patchy. If this sounds like your skin, it’s time to turn to experts to slow down, reduce, or even reverse the signs of ageing and regain younger-looking skin.

The sun, pollution and exposure to chemicals can harm your skin as it is continuously exposed. In todays fast moving environment it’s becoming more and more difficult to take time out for yourself. Be it the hectic professional responsibilities or the house work, women tend to neglect themselves and most importantly their skin. Given below are a few ways through which you can ensure that your skin is young, healthy and full of life.

Rejuvinate Your Skin

Protect your skin: The first rule of thumb is pevent the damage. The sun is enemy number one, so you need to wear sunscreen with a sun protection factor (SPF) of 30 or higher whenever you’re outside. You also should wear long-sleeved shirts and pants. Protect your face and neck with duppattas, hats and cover your eyes with sunglasses. Dryness is enemy number two, making lines seem more noticeable, so choose a moisturizer made for your skin type and use it regularly to keep your skin supple.

Apply a vitamin A cream: Vitamin A–based topical gels or creams known as retinoids can reduce wrinkles and produce younger-looking skin. It helps to build collagen, which can prevent the development of fine lines and wrinkles, and to lighten dark spots

Bleach your brown spots: You can try lightening brown spots (also called age spots) with a bleaching cream that contains hydroquinone. Hydroquinone helps inhibit an important enzyme in pigment synthesis.

Pick up an anti-wrinkle cream: These anti-aging creams stimulate the skin’s production of collagen and elastin and are found in some drugstore or beauty counter products.

Peel to reveal fresher skin: Dermatologists use various methods to remove the top layer of skin and expose new skin. These procedures can help tighten the skin and diminish fine lines and brown spots. By exfoliating that top layer, you allow the moisturizers and other products to penetrate deeper and work better.
Specialized Procedures: There are a range of safe & tested cosmetic procedures formulated to rejuvenate your skin.

  • Chemical peel solutions to loosen and slough away the top layer of skin
  • Laser skin resurfacingto vaporize, regenerate and make skin surface smooth and fresh.
  • Micro dermabrasion to strip away topmost skin cells
  • Botox. These injections are tremendously popular for anti-aging therapy. The injections relax the muscles under the skin and can eliminate deep lines and wrinkles around the face. Botox treatments also can help prevent new wrinkles from appearing.

You have many options available to create younger-looking skin. Factors including cost and the recovery time associated with procedures like peels will help you decide on your best course of action. It is important that you consult your dermatologist before opting for any.

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